Returning home from the hospital required a detour. When it came to pick a date for the operation I was given a Mon or Tuesday to chose from. I chose Tuesday because the last surgery, April 30th was on that day of the week. The first surgery found Allyson Taylor-Hoffman accompanying me to RMC and stayed there with me until the evening. She is one of the three angel A's which grace my life these days and to whom I'm extremely grateful, When I came out of the anesthesia, I was wheeled upstairs to a private room. Alice accompanied me bringing my belongings and smilingly asked me what I wanted for lunch. "What I always want - PIZZA!" I was half joking but, in typical style she went out and brought me back some Sicilian slices and some chicken barbecue slices. So today, when it was time for me to leave, I knew that I had to have pizza. No I didn't have it yesterday, but, then I was alone at the hospital. But today, when Suzanne my fearless producer from so many of my previous radio episodes, arrived to bring me back 50 miles south, I ordered a pizza. Chicken barbecue with Ricotta. I only know the Ramunto's in Bennington, and today I celebrated the Ramunto's in Rutland.
I was a clown walking into the store grimacing in pain as I pushed myself to get to the register, pay and leave. I grimaced back out and got back into her car, with the pizza on my lap. It was the perfect temperature and I enjoyed it very much.
Arriving home, I struggled my way into the house and then settled on getting things situated. The interesting thing about being home was that my house mate was not there. He decided to spontaneously travel for important reasons and I found myself alone. It was interesting how many times I assured hospital staff that I wouldn't be alone, and then, ended up being alone :-)!
It's truly no big deal. I was alone in Mitch and Joanne's cabin so, being alone here is just as cozy and frankly, given that I did not sleep more than 2 hours last night, I'm hoping I can pass out and sleep for a respectable amount of time, not just 2 hours!
Pizza, is not a food that I have been eating. However, I decided it would be just fine to break my discipline and return to it in 24 hours. I deserved the celebration. That it is fine to mark the occasion with a greater reality of fun, remembrance of my first repair and the fun that surrounded it all.
Thank you all for watching over me from a far. Rutland continues to be a fantastic hospital.
Thank you for your good thoughts and constant support. Have a wonderful day!
As always, Thank you all for being here with me.